The wisdom of trauma
The wisdom of trauma

He points us to the path of individual and collective healing. Maté gives us a new vision: a trauma-informed society in which parents, teachers, physicians, policy-makers and legal personnel are not concerned with fixing behaviours, making diagnoses, suppressing symptoms and judging, but seek instead to understand the sources from which troubling behaviours and diseases spring in the wounded human soul. It shapes the way we live, the way we love and the way we make sense of the world. Trauma is the invisible force that shapes our lives. Its not a question of healing the trauma or of ever getting rid of the memory of what happened, but to help that person expand so that theres space for all. This is a journey with a man who has dedicated his life to understanding the connection between illness, addiction, trauma and society. Gabor Maté to explore why Western society is facing such epidemics. In The Wisdom of Trauma, we travel alongside physician, bestselling author and Order of Canada recipient Dr. The interconnected epidemics of anxiety, chronic illness and substance abuse are, according to Dr. The filmmakers are asking the question “What is going on?” The autoimmunity epidemic affects 24 million people in the USA. Drug overdose kills 81,000 in the USA annually. It kills over 800,000 people a year globally and 48,300 in the USA. Suicide is the second most common cause of death in the US for youth aged 15-24. Each of us has within us the capacity to grow in compassion, understanding, patience and love and to recognize the ugliness of self-righteousness, contempt, criticism and condemnation regarding things such as trauma resulting in addiction.One in five Americans are diagnosed with mental illness in any given year.

the wisdom of trauma

Meanwhile I hope these little bits of wisdom in this blog give you pause for thought and an encouragement to be compassionate towards anyone who displays any of the symptoms of unresolved trauma, especially those caught in addiction. I am hopeful there will be a way for others to see this documentary sometime in the future.

the wisdom of trauma

It seems others also found his foresight about the wisdom of trauma deeply moving. This month is the release of his new documentary, which has been four years in the making. I have shared the link with many people this past week during this limited window in which the documentary was available and have gotten back so many comments. He is humble and deeply compassionate towards others. Maté is very transparent about his own trauma story. It’s a remarkable way to frame, nurture and support others and also ourselves. I think there is great encouragement in finding wisdom in trauma. He talks briefly about how parenting practices that are promoted as healthy and acceptable, like letting children cry it out when they are upset or distressed, create the very beginnings of the trauma that affect someone later in life. In showing some of his group therapy sessions, he makes it clear that he does not condemn families for the ways they might not have been able to fully nurture their children because he appreciates that they too were victims of trauma, of loss, of the freedom from their own suffering. And this comes in the form of addiction to drugs, alcohol, sex, gambling or any other destructive behavior that numbs the pain.

the wisdom of trauma

All that is suppressed in childhood by necessity things like anger, fear, loneliness, physical pain, abandonment, and the requirement to stop feelings and behave in artificial ways, results in a level of suffering that requires relief. He continues that addiction is a way to escape suffering. Without addiction a person experiences profound emptiness, and they are desperate to cover up their pain. He also condemns punishing those who are addicted because he does not see addiction as their fault. He chastises societal views of addiction as something someone chooses. Our focus should not be on why someone is addicted but rather on why someone is in pain. When it comes to understanding addiction, he says that all addiction has trauma at its roots.

The wisdom of trauma