Uiuc ischool acceptance rate
Uiuc ischool acceptance rate

I thought CS+X was supposed to be where the low quality CS majors applied to get into the school. Should I also try to switch out of it to a CS major? I just feel so lost right now. I didn't realize that IS was a very uncompetitive major when I applied to UIUC (even my parents thought it was probably 2nd in competitiveness to CS) but I guess that is far from the truth. Does anyone have any objections as to why people make fun of the major? People constantly call it "worse CS, no job prospects, statistics and humanities, ethics for CS" and its getting on my nerves. but it still seems like a good option to me. MATH220 (calc 1), MATH227 (Linear Algebra for Data Sci), STAT107 (Data Science Discovery), STAT207 (Data Science Exploration), CS307 (modeling for DS), and CS 277 (Algorithms and Data Structures for Data Science) I do realize that the IS+DS coursework right now only has a few technical classes (all the ones below): Is the curriculum of the information science major really that bad that people say even the DS track is not good? A bunch of posts on here talk about how it requires so little math that it is not even a technical major and you will have to "go out of your way" to get any opportunity.

uiuc ischool acceptance rate

Everyone I know in the major has wanted to switch out of it to a CS+X or ECE major for better job prospects and it hurts when people ask me "well why aren't you trying as well." I chose the major because I liked the contents of it not the job prospects. Not only that but these small things have been adding up for a long time. I'm an incoming freshman in IS and when UIUC released their acceptance rates to each of the schools, the iSchool's came out highest by a really wide margin and I instantly had people making fun of it in small chats that I am part of.

Uiuc ischool acceptance rate